Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Psycho Spirituality And Human Health : The most accepted view on Psycho Spirituality, is that "psychology" relates to the mind and "spirituality" inspires a much broader perspective to include that which transcends the mind. The Psychospiritual approach integrates both psychological growth and spiritual attunement, seeing, therapy not as a 'cure to crisis', but as a support for each one, on their particular journey. Indeed, situations and crises are not seen as problems, but as a divine step for greater spiritual emergence and opportunities for individual growth.

Known as the fourth force in therapy, the Psychospirituality builds on traditional theories of human growth, however in addition it includes recognizing and accessing higher consciousness through such tools as meditation, visualization, creative arts, awareness, intuition, inner attunement and healing through special techniques.

Psycho-spiritual approach is the application of mental concepts to lead one, to spiritual insight, revelation and growth. The cornerstone of psycho-spirituality is the process of taking responsibility for our mind-body system, and then moving towards a proper inner cleansing process. As we all know, bath gives freshness to our body, calmness gives freshness to our mind, love gives freshness to our heart and peace & happiness gives elevation and enlightenment to our spirit.

To integrate Psychology and Spirituality, for betterment of human health, we have started India’s first Psycho Spiritual Research Centre in Delhi under the spiritual guidance of our master and guide Divine Colonel and professional guidance of Dr Satish Kumar. (Contact:


Love & Light to all

Clinical Psychologist

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Human is the most highly evolved species. Human body of today is thousand years genetically evolved body. Human body understands the rhythms of nature and makes adjustments to adapt to the changes happened in the nature. This power can put in to use for the benefit of growth and development in human. Human body is most perfect instrument to express the power of supreme. We call this faculty as consciousness.

Those enlightened, who understand this secret, term this process as spiritual and connect it to GOD. To understand GOD we don’t need teacher. Guru is only a guide to guide you and impart you the knowledge essential to find your OWN GOD.

Consciousness is a flow of power, regular which instructs human to act. But a reverse action to understand the consciousness and getting connected to it gives a different connectivity, which we call DIVINITY. Divinity gets descended in the human, first in brain. This is also called our LIFE FORCE. Which is inter dependent on various other functions of human body like heartbeat, blood flow pulse etc. Brain controls our entire body system.

This DIVINE force works on our various centre points called CHAKRAS in our body. So there is direct connection with Consciousness, Life Force, Chakras, Auric vibrations and Human behaviour

Our human body has five basic elements (tattvas). They are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether (akash). Chakras interact with these elements continuously in a rhythmic form to make the body subject to pain and pleasure based on the energies inside the Chakras. If one could do the kshata chakra bhedana, piercing the six charkas, one can win over the body controlled tattvas and can achieve the sat-chith-ananda state. A state when you have continous and constant happy, peaceful and blissful mind.

All psychic spiritual activities are to understand the life and to keep the above five elements of human body in harmony with each other through therapies and Ancient Indian Spiritual Practices revealed to the seeking consciousness of enlightened souls. We are making an endeavour to make this healing power available soon to all in need. OM.

(My Master’s Voice)

Love and Light to all


Age after age, men-of-God, have come to reawaken the spirit of human beings on this earth to make living life of all joy filled. But because of the problems related to genetic disorders, upbringing, own will wrong doings, environmental effect and proximity to bad characters creates imbalances in mental smooth functioning in day to day life of an individual. The message of goodness and godliness, purify ones nature by living a good life. Truth, purity, love, selflessness and righteousness needs to be accepted totally in ones life and activity to lead a healthy life. We need to pledge ourself to love, serenity, humility, forgiveness and non violence. We need to fill our heart with compassion, mercy and universal love.

I find immense energy in spiritual force. Being a psycho therapist, I find, the integration of spirituality and psycho therapy can have a highly positive effect on the psych of an individual. Spirituality is practiced in India since long, we call it sanatan. In all our spiritual teachings and practices, I find lot of psycho therapies in affirmation and chantings. God is the best solution for an individual for immediate psychological relief when in urgent need.

I thank my master and guide, Divine Colonel, ( for his spiritual guidance and making me, dedicate my professional service to integrate Indian spirituality and psychotherapy for the improvement of mental health of all in need in India and in the World. A mission assigned to me by my master towards creating ONENESS. I dedicate my spiritual service at the divine lotus feet of my master, so that cosmic healing power comes down to heal the world. OM.

Love and Light to all
