Human mental behaviour depends on robust mental health. Human behaviour is extremely complex. Because of its complexity, state of mind affects significantly behaviour of an individual in many ways. Amxiety, depression, physical symptoms comming out of neurobehavioral symptoms are causes for abnormal mental conditions and ones emotional functioning. The gravity and the social impact of these neurobehavioural disorders are enormous. Hence we must give special attention and care to prevent such behavioural changes occuring in any individual.
There is Universal law of cause and effect and the Universal law of attraction. Some call it in west as Law of Attraction. But in reality, it is purely on our ancient Indian scripture words "yath bhave tath bhavathi" means "what you think and perceive is what going to get maifested for you"
Mind and thought process compounded with the effect of energies of people arround (sangath), which gets accumalated over a period of time, creates personalities in us. Personalities creates consequences and attracts energies as per the vibes and further creates actions arround us. We all have the ability to break free of the unconscious mind and create our own destiny.
If one become aware of self as a soul energy, and gives attenton to self in a defined time gap, one can avoid getting attracted to negative vibes from the environment. You become aware of other souls around, not as a person but as other Life Force. Early morning prayers must have thoughts for others well being rather than having thoughts for self prosperity. Try to see divinity in others and in evrything you see today and everyday. You develop a DIVINE aura around you. We call it positivity or positive vibes in our Psycho Spirituality.
Divinity, for certain, gives control over our life to create harmony, cooperation or reverence in our life. We need to empower our mind to enlighten our soul to get spiritual elevation and in turn success in daily life.
Love and Light to all